Tuesday, March 27, 2012


So they say all the beginnings are hard and today I'm taking the risk. This is my very first post in my first blog, something I wanted for a long time but was too afraid to actually do it. I started writting a blog because I wanted to do something just for me, to have something that's completly mine and can make me happy even if nobody believes in it. But I wouldn't published it if there wasn't a person who convinced me into doin' it... so thank you Anamarija Roxy!

I hope you'll like it and if someone finds a quote,place or a piece of clothing in it that'll make their day just a bit nicer I've reached my goal. But no matter what happens next I'm already happy I've done it :)

blazer: Bershka, jeans: Zara;  t-shirt: New yorker; shoes: Bata;  sunglasses: H&M

Because in the end we only regret the chances we didn't take, the relationships we were afraid to have and the decisions we waited too long to make.


 Hf everyone!


  1. dobrodošla v svetu bloganja in luškan outfit ;)

  2. Res lepo napisano, luškan outfit, chill slikce- jst mislm da si supr začela ;) Just keep on going, keep on rockin'! :) xx

  3. Ha, sem kar sam našel tvoj blog ;-) Veliko blogerskih užitkov ti želim :D

  4. obožujem tvoj blog. Zagotovo ga bom od sedaj dalje spremljala. Super je ! :D

    lepe outfite imaš in menim da imava malenkost podobni stil. ;)

    xoxo, Nina

    p.s Pokukaj malo na moj blog ;)

    1. Hvalaa Nina ;) bom seveda pogledala tudi tvojega,nekaj sem že videla,maš luškane kombinacije ;)

  5. hi honey! such a pretty outfit! :)

    please check out my blog and if you like it we can follow each other ♡ http://thefrench-fries.blogspot.pt/

    1. Thank you! :)
      I've checked yours and it's great so sure I'll follow ;)
