Monday, May 7, 2012

Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple

Another week gone by.This one was a bit different because my mom taught me how to sew :) She is very good at it and she is sewing almost all her life (even though that's not her job). When me and my sister were younger mom made us a lot of clothes, but later she was always tired after work and rarely found time for sewing. I loved to make dresses for my Barbie but I guess I never had a wish to learn sewing for real. But these last days made me realize that it's better to have a lot of skills even if you'll never use them again than not having them at all. So here it very first product :) Mom said I should sew something simplier than a blouse for the begging but I proved her wrong. I think I made very nice blouse (of course under my mom's supervision and with her advices) from mom's old skirt she never wore. I'm happy I can use a lot of pieces of fabric mom bought and never used, because nowadays sewing something is more expensive than actually buying similar cloth in a store.
I think it's nice my mom is passing her knowledge down to me just like my gradma did to her. After first two days sitting at the sewing machine, btw it's 37 years old electric machine, I can't wait another free weekend to sew something else...I think I'm gonna make a blouse again :)
 Do you like it?

After sewing for two days I went out with my sister and my friends. I just love that kind of evenings...chatting, drinking radler and enjoying free time. Easy it's nice!

 jacket: Pull and Bear, cardigan, jeans: Zara, shirt: mom's old one

We only have One Mom, don't wait for the tomorrow's to tell your mom you love her.





  1. Aaaaaa kok pa dobr, supr si tole nardila! :) Še jst sm ponosna nate :) xx

  2. bluza je amazing! :D sama sme jo porbala in je prfekt, a kaj ko imam doma že preveč podobnih stvari. :D

    xoxo, Nina

    1. hvala za kompliment ;) to bluzo si pa bolj težko probala,ker sem jo sama sešila ;) si pa verjetno podobno v H&M,tko so mi vsaj rekli da je zelo podoben vzorec.

  3. ooo kok lepa bluzica :)
